How do you succeed?
The Answer is Simple: Knowledge.
For those working as a workers’ compensation professional, the knowledge you need is hard to find. There are no college classes to learn state statutes and case law. There is no “insurance school” offering degrees in workers’ compensation. General knowledge is not good enough because workers’ compensation is unique to each state. Finally, there is a way with the Wickstrom Insurance & Risk Training Center.
How Workers’ Compensation Works
You’ll learn the basic legal concepts in workers’ compensation including how a state’s statutory legal structure fits into the bigger picture by understanding insurance policy coverage, premium calculations and coverage issues. For a full outline click here:
State Specific Training
Insurance industry professionals and local attorneys cover the unique workers’ compensation issues in each state so you get up-to-date information on the important day-to-day issues workers’ compensation professionals need to understand. To see states available, click here: